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praktisk matematikk

Geometri og begrepsforståelse

Geometriske figurer 3D

Plakat til bruk sammen med de blå geometriske figurene

Geometriske figurer 2 D

Plakat med ulike typer firkanter, trekanter, polygoner og sirkler.


Geometrisk puslespill med oppgaver og fasit.

Les mer på bloggen

Blog post title

Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.

Blog post title

Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.

Blog post title

Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.

Blog post title

Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.

Blog post title

Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.

Blog post title

Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.